Welcome to the Apocalypse
My name is Sophia Speranza and this is the first time I have been outside of the facility I was "created" in. Truth is the only thing I know about myself is the things that were told to me in the office this morning. They told me that I was a Slob, Athletic, Brave, Ambitious and Exciteable. They also told me I was chosen as a Tier 1 candidate able to chose from Athletic, Architect and Business. I asked if "I could think on it a little while". They agreed that I had until the end of the information give to me to figure it all out.
The man is charge, I never got his name, told me they had worked out a few deals to make my life easier but not all of it would. If I landed when they were aiming I should land in Lucky Palms pre-apocalypse with enough time to get a University degree. I was explained about the traits and how if able I could choose 1 trait for each child. But all of this came at a price. I was tier 1, meaning I could only choose my given career from those listed earlier.
The governing cartel is evil, meaning if we lose our job we can NOT get another. I will also only be able to marry humans (Supposedly I am a WITCH), and only those in my direct bloodline can clear a career path.
Of course there was also a decreased lifespan for elders, and once dead tombstones can not be moved off the lot (Seems graveyards were overused before the apocalypse). Last but not least there are no "Cell Phones" (not sure that I know what that is). I will have to buy a land line and can only use that the whole time.
At this point I chose to have my unique blue hair be a requirement for each generation heir. I want to see it move on.
I was finally asked what my choice of career was since we only had about 5 minutes until I was going to be going through the time machine to the past. I decided with the Athletic Trait and being able to go to University Athletic would be a good first clear for me.
So that is my story of how I ended up here in Lucky Palms, just weeks before the Apocalypse is to start.
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